Limiti e opportunità delle scienze sociali

Limits and Opportunities of Social Sciences



The knowledge of social sciences - while not denying the autonomy of the single disciplines but abandoning the excess of self reference - must become reflective knowledge that promotes the construction of connections in the environments of life of individuals, and between individuals overcoming the “social physics” of Comtian memory. That lays the foundations (theoretical / empirical) for interventions that can lead to positive transformations both at individual and social level. We can therefore no longer speak of the contrast between theory and operability. We need to talk about a continuum of interdependencies that goes from theory to operability. In this logic sociology (in particular) and other sciences of society and humanity (in general) must take on a fundamental role in the institution (first) and maintenance (then) of the integration of these aspects.


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How to Cite

Mangone, E. (2019). Limiti e opportunità delle scienze sociali: Limits and Opportunities of Social Sciences. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 4(1), 3–13. Retrieved from