Approdi e rotte. Un esempio di trasmigrazioni mediterranee: il caso Cetara

Landing and Routes. An Example of Mediterranean Transmigration : The Cetara Case


  • Annalisa Di Nuzzo Università di Salerno, Italy


This paper aims to demonstrate how the threads of a specific Mediterranean migration, which shares the dynamics of current transmigrations, can be pulled together through the study migrations and memories of a site that has become a tourist attraction. The displace-ment of the Mediterranean people, that engendered a koiné and produced a true European creolization, is the result of flights, raids, exodus and continuous migrations that have given life to Europe and to the definition of the West. Within this logic is Cetara, a city that puts together, in about a century and a half, both the ancient migration (of sea crossing, the knowledge and technique that go with it), and the postmodern transformations of tourism, of the revitalization of the city and a new economy. This virtuous circle, that continually releases innovative aspects, has put in touch the various shores of the Mediterranean that are constantly replenishing the language and the habits that can be a symptom to identify differences, but above all similarities with current transmigrations. Here outlined are the results of a three-year period fieldwork, and identify the changes that a particular form of transmigration and tourism is causing in the community. 



How to Cite

Di Nuzzo, A. (2017). Approdi e rotte. Un esempio di trasmigrazioni mediterranee: il caso Cetara: Landing and Routes. An Example of Mediterranean Transmigration : The Cetara Case. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 2(2), 171–187. Retrieved from