Genere, Linguaggi e Violenza nella Digital Society


  • Santina Musolino Roma Tre University, Italy
  • Carolina Rebollo Díaz Universidad de Granada, Spain


gender, languages, violence, hate speech, digital society


Gender, Languages and Violence in the Digital Society

The special issue Gender, Languages and Violence in the Digital Society – as the title itself suggests – intends to explore the many declinations of the complex relationship between the gender dimension, language (and therefore also communication) and violence in its various manifestations. Most of the themes and analyses contained in the essays that make up this special issue were addressed during the mid-term conference of the AIS (Italian Sociological Association) Gender Studies Scientific Board entitled “Gender, differences and social change. Education, training and communication in the digital society”.


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Tirocchi, S., Lombardi, R., & Urciuoli, C. (2022). Comunicazione e media. In F. Corbisiero & M. Nocenzi, (a cura di). Manuale di educazione al genere e alla sessualità. Torino: Utet.

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How to Cite

Musolino, S., & Rebollo Díaz, C. (2024). Genere, Linguaggi e Violenza nella Digital Society. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 9(1), 3–7. Retrieved from