Politiques culturelles envers les éco-artistes: contextualisation et témoignage d’une pratique écosophique et écologique


  • Laurane Le Goff Independent


art and science, ecosophy, cultural institutions


In this text, Laurane Le Goff, an artist doing both arts (plastician and costume maker) and sciences (interest in ecology), working on the relationship between Humans and the rest of the living testify. In the first part, she presents the evolution of her artistic practice from her naturalist interests to an ecosophical approach. Ecosophy is a concept created by the philosopher Arne Naess who invited people to rethink the anthropocentric perspective (human centred). In a second part, the author will question the place of ecosophic artistic production in institutional art (supported by public or private fundings). She explains how ecosophical art is political and what issues it can cause to be recognised by institutions.


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How to Cite

Le Goff, L. (2024). Politiques culturelles envers les éco-artistes: contextualisation et témoignage d’une pratique écosophique et écologique. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 9(2), 69–84. Retrieved from https://www.cussoc.it/journal/article/view/344



Esperienze e confronti [Experiences and comparisons]