Pratica sportiva e lavoro sociale tra stato, mercato e comunità

Sports Practice and Social Work between State, Market and Community


  • Francesco Pirone Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy


The essay reflects on the sport-based welfare mix transformations. Collected research high-lights the relevance of sport-system models and sportivization patterns. We debate the sport importance for innovation of social policies. At the same time, we emphasize the ambiva-lence of sport. Finally, the essay highlights the risks of mitopoiesis from an overestimation of the power of sport in the innovation of social policies.



How to Cite

Pirone, F. (2017). Pratica sportiva e lavoro sociale tra stato, mercato e comunità: Sports Practice and Social Work between State, Market and Community. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 2(1), 3–8. Retrieved from