L’architecture graphique en tiers lieu, une réaffirmation de la création sensible face aux risques de déshumanisation du numérique


  • Jean-Marie Bardoux University of Burgundy, France


third place, graphic design, architecture


The Robert dictionary defines in 2023 the third place as «A social space for citizens’ initiatives, where a community can meet, meet, exchange and share resources, skills and knowledge. Third places create new economic and social dynamics». In relation to this definition rooted rather in sociology, questioning the specificities of a graphic design in the architecture of third place opens a problem related to the reaffirmation of sensitive creations in the face of the risks of dehumanization of digital means. The graphic architecture of third places, by giving itself as representation, differs from the execution of a project by means only digital depriving of any creative adventures really shared. Confronting worlds that seem to ignore each other in their own representations between, on the one hand, the Université foraine de Rennes and, on the other, the digital model BIM (Building Information Modeling) helps to reveal the tensions between democratic aspirations and a social, industrial division of labour. The architectures of third places, by becoming graphic even the architectural volume, develop a visual rhetoric at the antipodes of that of the digital industry which dispossess others of its knowledge and whose enunciation marks are rendered invisible.

Author Biography

Jean-Marie Bardoux, University of Burgundy, France

Professeur certifié hors classe, lycée Pasteur Besançon
Doctorant deuxième année, Université Bourgogne
Ecole Doctorale : 592 – LECLA – Lettres, Communication, Langues, Art
Directeur de thèse : Anne PARIZOT-COLLET
Unité de recherche : UR 4182 – Centre Interlangues
Nom du directeur de l’Unité de Recherche : Laurent GAUTIER
Equipe d’accueil : Modèles et Discours


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How to Cite

Bardoux, J.-M. (2024). L’architecture graphique en tiers lieu, une réaffirmation de la création sensible face aux risques de déshumanisation du numérique. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 9(2), 39–54. Retrieved from https://www.cussoc.it/journal/article/view/320