La nascita del collettivo Anomala come laboratorio di ricerca
cura, intersezionalità, femminismo, società, covid-19Abstract
The birth of the Anomala collective as a research laboratory
The pandemic explosion of COVID-19 has exacerbated social disparities, putting the most vulnerable categories at risk and exposing them to systemic violence. The intersectional feminist approach related to the analysis of human relationships has become essential. There is an urgent need for inclusive tools to reinterpret gender identities, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and psycho-physical condition, especially among younger generations. Institutions and culture must confront this challenge. Stereotypes and exploitation must be countered, creating safe spaces in schools and urban areas, promoting alternative ways of thinking to patriarchal individualism. Educating and learning non-discriminatory methods is essential, starting with the use of inclusive language. With the birth of the Anomala Research Collective, we aim to define intersectionality not only as an analytical category but also as an operational concept in everyday life. With this work, we would like to identify the key elements that have contributed to its success and suggest how to build a shared space for thought and action that promotes care, creativity, and interconnectedness in contrast to widespread indifference and discrimination.
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