Invecchiamento e divari di genere nell’uso degli strumenti di eHealth


  • Camilla Caporali Roma Tre University, Italy


Gender digital divide, eHealth, access to healthcare


Aging and Gender divide in the Use of eHealth Tools

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and the safety measures implemented to contain the health emergency have caused the sudden and exponential implementation of the use of all eHealth tools and telemedicine technologies, which, although present in the pre-pandemic period, were only marginally utilized. The existence of disparities in the use of digital tools, reflecting a generational dimension and constituting a "gray digital divide," has effects on multiple levels of inequality in the access and utilization of such tools. In particular, a gender analysis highlights a digital gap in favor of men in all age groups ex-cept for the "digital natives," and it shows that this gap increases with age. Furthermore, the prevalence of the female component in the elderly population, due to a higher life expec-tancy, and the higher incidence of chronic diseases and morbidity they experience make them the primary users of care and prevention services. They also play a significant role in the demand for socio-healthcare services, particularly as caregivers for non-self-sufficient individuals. The research conducted at the University Hospital of Pisa, aimed to examine differences in the usage experiences eHealth tools during the 2020 lockdown. The study also sought to investigate whether and to what extent these new modes of healthcare ac-cess have presented specific challenges for the female population.


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How to Cite

Caporali, C. (2024). Invecchiamento e divari di genere nell’uso degli strumenti di eHealth. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 9(1), 92–106. Retrieved from



Esperienze e confronti [Experiences and comparisons]