L’hate speech nelle piattaforme digitali e il riflesso nel rapporto con la figura materna
un’analisi netnografica del panorama Incel italiano
incel, parental relationship, misogynyAbstract
Hate Speech on Digital Platforms and Its Reflection in the Relationship with the Maternal Figure: A Netnographic study on Italian Incel community
This paper aims to analyze the phenomenon of gender hatred, with a particular focus on forums where widespread misogyny forms an ideology based on exclusion, the rejection of diversity, and a - false - attachment to traditional values, typical of the alt-right. The study was conducted within the Manosphere, a space where subcultures of predominantly male groups coexist, sharing hatred and frustration towards women. The specific group under examination is that of the Incels, individuals who identify as involuntary celibates due to rejection by women. In the Italian context, they tend to congregate primarily in the digital space provided by “Il Forum dei Brutti”. Within this framework, a Netnographic analysis was employed to explore the connection between hatred towards the female gender and one’s relationship with the maternal figure. A sample of 771 comments was collected and categorized, revealing results grouped into four main categories. The findings underscore the intricate nature of the relationship between internalized misogyny and one’s connection with their mother.
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