Perspective of survivors in perpetrator programme outcome evaluation: results from a case example in the Italian context


  • Berta Vall Faculty of Pyshcology, Education and Sport Sciences, Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain and European Network for the Work with Perpetrators, Berlin, Germany
  • Jaume Grané Faculty of Pyshcology, Education and Sport Sciences, Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain and European Network for the Work with Perpetrators, Berlin, Germany
  • Alessandra Pauncz European Network for the Work with Perpetrators, Berlin, Germany
  • Marianne Hester School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, United Kingdom


perpetrator programmes, outcome, victim/survivor perspective, safety, impact


Perpetrator programmes have been widely developed in recent years. Despite this, their outcomes remain controversial. The main challenge in evaluating perpetrator programmes is the lack of suitable tools. The “Impact Outcome Monitoring Toolkit” was developed to overcome this challenge. This study analyses the outcomes of a perpetrator programme in Italy. Forty-four participants were included; twenty-two were enrolled in a perpetrator programme, while the remaining twenty-two were their (ex-) partners. Results showed that emotional abusive behaviour was more prevalent than physical and sexual abusive behaviour, especially according to (ex-) partners. Consistency in the men’s and (ex-)partners’ reporting of physical violence was demonstrated. Psychological abuse was reduced according to both, albeit in different ways. These results suggest that the men’s views about their physical abusive behaviour are more reliable than expected. The impact of violence on victims decreased by the end of the programme, although some emotional impact remained. Perpetrator programmes need to pay particular attention to psychological violence and coercive control, as they might remain difficult to detect for the men while still having an impact on the victims/survivors. Victims’ safety and well-being increased by the end of the programme. These results are promising in terms of reduction of violent behaviour and suggest further steps for perpetrator programmes to increase victim safety.


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How to Cite

Vall, B., Grané, J., Pauncz, A., & Hester, M. (2023). Perspective of survivors in perpetrator programme outcome evaluation: results from a case example in the Italian context. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 8(2), 86–101. Retrieved from



Esperienze e confronti [Experiences and comparisons]