Il mondo dello spettacolo e la “disuguaglianza di transgenere”



Sanremo Festival, Show business, Transgender, Gender inequality


Social and political issues, including international ones, are addressed in the Sanremo Festival, thus contributing to the construction or social emergence of a theme. In its historical evolution, it represents a mirror of Italian society.Literature, of reference, argues that transgender discourse brings with it many questions about the formation of all gender identities and in particular the extent to which we can shape and reshape individual and collective identities.Starting with an analysis of the communication generated around Drusilla Foer’s presence at the seventy-second (2022) Sanremo Festival, we sought to investigate the visibility and careers of transgender people in the entertainment industry.We thus highlighted how men, who use, express, manifest, and publicize aspects of themselves, in reference to gender, that are culturally attributable to the opposite sex, are almost exclusively placed in the spotlight and rewarded compared to women. Women, on the other hand, at least in the world of entertainment, whether they become, through the surface of clothes or body (and the same chemically stimulated production of hormones), men, are-with few exceptions-nonexistent or invisible: if inequality occurs when a range of resources and opportunities in society are unequally distributed, thus hindering equality, one can then speak of true “trans-gender inequality”.


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How to Cite

Strizzolo, N. (2023). Il mondo dello spettacolo e la “disuguaglianza di transgenere”. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 8(1), 46–62. Retrieved from