Intersectionality as critical inquiry and praxis


  • Erika Bernacchi Università degli Studi di Firenze


Intersectionality, Editorial


The notion of intersectionality is embedded in a long tradition of activism especially by Black and minority women and was spearheaded by Black feminists. Crenshaw (1989 was credited for coining the term; however, the origin of the concept can be traced in the history of Black women activism (Brah e Phoenix, 2004, Perilli and Ellena, 2012). Thus, it can be argued that the concept of intersectionality represents one of the most significant contributions that gender studies and feminist elaboration have made to sociological studies, in particular through the contribution of African American feminists, minority women, LGBT and queer people (Hill Collins and Bilge 2016).


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How to Cite

Bernacchi, E. (2022). Intersectionality as critical inquiry and praxis. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 7(2), 145–151. Retrieved from