Un día sin nosotras: the 2020 women's strike against gender-based violence in Mexico between intersectionality and activism
Mexico, feminist activism, intersectionalityAbstract
On March 9, 2020, Mexican feminist activists enacted a generalised strike over the country, whereby they cut themselves off from physical and digital public spaces to reproduce the invisibilisation of victims of gender-based violence and feminicides. The previous day, the same women marched in the streets to protest against structural violence, impunity and institutional lack of action. The enactment and performance carried out with unprecedent vigour and participation during the two days can be investigated through the feminist intersectional lens in a decolonial reinterpretation of feminism, activism and resistance in the Global South context,
The article seeks out to interrogate the tenets, inspirations, modalities and implications of the 2020 women’s strike, as well as to problematise it to provoke a debate that, beyond the strict confines of the case-study at hand, illuminates the intersecting elements of gender-based violence, women’s activism and feminisms in an increasingly digitalised context, also characterised by an intense transnational collaboration among grassroots collectives.
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