Expert construction during the Italian vaccination campaign against COVID-19: positional, reputational, and communicational spheres in comparison


  • Rossana Cataldo University of Naples Federico II, Italy
  • Gabriella Punziano University of Naples Federico II, Italy
  • Barbara Saracino University of Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum, Italy
  • Ferdinando Iazzetta University of Roma Sapienza, Italy


visible expert, media representation, COVID-19 vaccination campaign


The purpose of this article is to understand what mechanism leads specific actors of the scientific community to assume the central role of experts during the COVID-19 pandemic vaccination campaign. Thanks to the understanding of the world of narratives and self-constructed representations we will try to understand if the figure of the expert is influenced by the institutional role they play, the network of collaborations and the academic network as a proxy of their reputation and, finally, what figure emerges instead from the mainstream media such as the press and social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.


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How to Cite

Cataldo, R., Punziano, G., Saracino, B., & Iazzetta, F. (2022). Expert construction during the Italian vaccination campaign against COVID-19: positional, reputational, and communicational spheres in comparison. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 7(1), 101–118. Retrieved from