Tre narrazioni giornalistiche sul rapporto tra razza e sport: il caso dei “naturalizzati” italiani a Rio 2016

Three Journalistic Narratives on the Relationship be-tween Race and Sport: The Case of the “naturalised” Italians in Rio 2016


  • Federico Pilati IULM University, Italy


By analysing journalistic pieces related to the biographies of "naturalised" athletes, this article highlights the cultural assimilation functions attributed to sport proposed in two major Italian newspapers during the 2016 Olympics. Indeed, the recurring narrative structures identified in the news underline how the Italian sporting field is characterised by a functionalist public discourse, which still tends to represent foreign athletes from a post-colonial perspective.


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How to Cite

Pilati, F. (2021). Tre narrazioni giornalistiche sul rapporto tra razza e sport: il caso dei “naturalizzati” italiani a Rio 2016: Three Journalistic Narratives on the Relationship be-tween Race and Sport: The Case of the “naturalised” Italians in Rio 2016. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 6(2), 355–364. Retrieved from