Verso uno sviluppo tecnologicamente sostenibile. Strategie per un uso etico delle piattaforme digitali compatibile con gli SDGs

Towards a Technologically Sustainable Development. Strategies for the Ethical Use of Digital Platforms Compatible with SDGs



The use of digital platforms according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has played a dual role. Firstly as a communication tool. Digital platforms are considered strategic both for the purposes of diffusion, both for the purposes of community building, both in a perspective stakeholder's advocacy. Second digital platforms have played the role of big data tool: a key element of Agenda 2030 instrument is the opportunities of big data used to achieve the intended objectives. Wanting to re-read the application fields of the use of digital platforms compatible with the Agenda 2030 we can identify three functions: communication, infrastructure, environment. These are three strategic elements that have a central role in the successful achievement of SDGs, but you have to wonder about the context of values within which the strategies take shape. Classic issues of digital platforms such as data ownership, confidentiality and privacy, access would risk weakening the role of the digital platform. An ethical look is needed to consciously use digital platforms. The purpose of the essay is to question whether the potential that digital platforms put at disposal of Agenda 2030, both of which system of values of use of digital technology strategies should be incorporated.


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How to Cite

Bennato, D. (2020). Verso uno sviluppo tecnologicamente sostenibile. Strategie per un uso etico delle piattaforme digitali compatibile con gli SDGs: Towards a Technologically Sustainable Development. Strategies for the Ethical Use of Digital Platforms Compatible with SDGs. Culture E Studi Del Sociale, 5(1), 43–59. Retrieved from