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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Every manuscript submitted must be accompanied by an abstract in English.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.

Author Guidelines

NOTICE. Due to cybersecurity concerns, self-registration on this website has been temporarily disabled. To request the creation of a new user account, please send an email to, including your full name, affiliation, and email address.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Download the Guidelines in Italian or English or read on.

Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to us. These instructions will ensure we have everything required so your paper can move through peer review, production and publication smoothly. Please take the time to read and follow them as closely as possible, as doing so will ensure your paper matches the journal’s requirements.
All articles published in this journal have undergone internal Editorial scrutiny as well as anonymous, double-blind review. There are three stages to the review process.

Stage 1: The Editors of the journal read all papers submitted. They agree either to send them out for peer review, or to desk reject if the piece does not fit the journal remit or there are identified problems.

Stage 2: The peer review process for our journal involves a number of scholars from the Editorial Board and other experts in aspects of the article field.

Stage 3: The editors consider the article in the light of all the reviewers’ reports they have received and come to a decision on whether the submission should be accepted, sent back for revision, or rejected. The editors’ decision is final.

Decisions to the author(s) will be communicated within 60 days.



Language: Manuscripts are accepted in Italian or English. British English spelling and punctuation are preferred. The board reserves the right to publish papers in a EU language different from Italian and English.

Manuscript Types and Style: The APA Style has to be used both for in-text citation and references (Times New Roman; Font size: 10).

Title Page: The title page, should have no page number and is submitted separately from the rest of the text, will include the title, the name of the author(s), affiliation(s), address(es) and e-mail for correspondence. In case of more than one author, the corresponding author needs to be indicated.

Page Layout: top 3 cm; bottom: 3,5 cm; left: 4 cm; right: 4 cm; header: 3 cm; footer: 2 cm.

Title: Times New Roman 16, italics.

Authors' Names: Times New Roman; Font Size: 11, italics (Full name of authors: First name and Family name).

Affiliations: Times New Roman; Font Size: 10 (Department, University, City, Country, telephone number, e-mail).

Abstract: Every manuscript submitted must be accompanied by an abstract in English, which should contain no more than 1500 characters including spaces. Times New Roman; Font Size: 10.

Keywords: No more than 3 keywords need to be provided.

Text: Times New Roman; Font Size: 11; The text is single-spaced; use italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses);

Headings of Sections should be concise
- First Level: Times New Roman; Font Size:11, bold;
- Second Level: Times New Roman; Font Size: 11, italics;

Text in Tables: Times New Roman; Font Size: 9.

Illustrations, Figures, Images and Tables: are to be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. It is also highly recommended that figures and data necessary to create each figure are sent as separate files.

Footnotes: Any additional notes to the main text must be included as footnotes. Times New Roman; Font Size: 9.

Anonymity for Peer-review:
Each manuscript submitted to Journal will be subject to double-blind peer reviewing. Authors need to submit their manuscript as an anonymized document and make sure that the manuscript does not include any information that can disclose their identity.

Tips for anonymizing your manuscript:

1. Don’t add names and affiliations under the title within the manuscript or any page headers or footers that would identify you.
2. Don’t mention any grants or acknowledgments in the anonymous version of your manuscript. You can provide these in the non-anonymous version, and you may also be asked to provide funding information separately during submission.
3. Avoid, or try to minimize, any self-citation. If you have cited your own work, make sure you’ve referred to your own references in the third person, e.g. write “Rossi and George (2007) have demonstrated”, not “We have previously demonstrated (Rossi & George, 2007)”. (If you’re unable to avoid referring to self-cited work in the first person, then delete the author names, or other identifying information (such as your institution) and replace it with (Anonymous 2014) in the text. In the reference list, delete the citation, and use a placeholder [Anonymous 2014] Details omitted for double-blind reviewing').
4. You will need to check that all identifiers have been removed from files such as MicrosoftTM Word® documents. Make sure you are working from a saved copy of your manuscript as once you remove this data, it may not be recoverable.

Submission: anonymized manuscripts should be submitted through this platform.


Types of journal articles

Saggi [Essays]

The papers of the section "Saggi" [Essays] (monographic section, between 35.000 and 60.000 characters, including footnotes, references and spaces) can be theoretical or empirical, on the basis of the keywords or the call for papers, always respecting aims and scope of the journal. Papers must be divided into paragraphs.

Esperienze e confronti [Experiences and comparisons]

The papers of the section "Esperienze e confronti" [experiences and comparisons] (between 25.000 and 40.000 characters, including footnotes, references and spaces) present the results of empirical studies (at a local, national and/or international level), or reports that compare different territorial areas, within sociology or other humanities and social sciences, always according to the aims and scope of the journal.

Note e commenti [Notes and comments]

The papers of the section "Note e commenti" [Notes and comments] (between 9.000 and 25.000 characters, including footnotes, references and spaces) present experiences, projects and critical reflections on social policies, projects and programs at diverse territorial level and/or in specific field of social intervention. The section also includes comments and reflection on publications, both Italian and international, related to social policies and social sciences. Furthermore, this section can include short unpublished texts, of both classical and contemporaneous authors, chosen by the Scientific Committee of the journal or proposed by others.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.